General Mills Total Cranberry Crunch Cereal

Lightly sweetened whole grain wheat flakes with real cranberries and crunchy oat clusters with other natural and artificial flavors. With whole grain guaranteed. 100% nutrition (100% daily value of 11 vitamins & minerals). Nutrition Highlights: Amount and % daily value per serving - 190 calories (10%); 0 g saturated fat (0%); 190 mg sodium (8%); 16 g sugars; 1000 mg calcium (100%); 100 IU vit. D (25%). One bowl. 100% nutrition. Good nutrition is important but it doesn't have to be difficult. With Total cereal, its simple: one bowl. 100% nutrition. In one serving of Total Cranberry Crunch cereal: 100% daily value of 11 essential vitamins and minerals; No leading cereal has more calcium and vitamin D; at least 16 g of whole grain and a good source of fiber. Nutritious and delicious, its a great way to start your day - every day. Are you getting 100%? Total Cranberry Crunch contains 100% daily value of these 11 vitamins & minerals: 100% calcium; 100% iron; 100% vitamin E; 100% thiamin; 100% riboflavin; 100% niacin; 100% vitamin B6; 100% folic acid; 100% vitamin B12; 100% pantothenic acid; 100% zinc. Total Cranberry Crunch Cereal: 100% daily value of calcium and 25% daily value of vitamin D per serving. Leading Cereals: 0-15% daily value of calcium and 0-25% daily value of vitamin D per serving. Whole Grain Guaranteed: A whole grain food is made by using all three parts of the grain. General Mills guarantees that every box of Big G cereal has at least 8 grams of whole grain per serving (48 grams recommended daily). Total cereal has many great-tasting ways to get vital nutrients. Exchange: 2 starch, 1 other carbohydrate. Exchange calculations based on Choose Your Foods: Exchange Lists for Diabetes copyright 2008 the American Dietetic Association, the American Diabetes Association.