21 mg of soy isoflavones per serving. USDA Organic. Certified organic by Quality Assurance International. High fiber, low fat, no cholesterol. Heart healthy whole gains. Diets rich in whole grain foods and other plant foods and low in total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol, may help reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Dietary features: 100% Natural, non-GMO, dairy free, no artificial flavors, no preservatives, no artificial colors. Kosher. Soy? It just makes sense. Many dieticians recommend that we add more plant-based foods to our diet. Soy has been a staple food in many cultures for thousands of years, and over the last decade, has been increasing in popularity in western cultures. As a result, the benefits of soy have been the subject of numerous studies here in the west and scientists now believe that soy can be an important element in healthier eating. SoyEssence is the perfect blend of organic whole grain with the added benefits of soy. A delicious cereal with the goodness of soy. It probably comes as no surprise that we love cereal here at Barbara's. And, as busy people just like you, we're always looking for simple ways to get more nutritious, good-tasting foods into our diets. Recent research has validated the health attributes of soy, and we wanted to incorporate these benefits into a cereal that we could enjoy every day. We created a new oven-toasted, lightly sweetened, organic whole-wheat flake and added a generous 21 mg of soy isoflavones per serving. Barbara's Organic SoyEssence is crisp and delicious - a quick and easy way to incorporate the benefits of soy isoflavones into your diet every morning. So pour yourself a bowl and dig in! Your body's best defense is a low fat, fiber-rich diet with plenty of whole grains. Barbara's Organic SoyEssence is rich in whole grains, fiber and soy isoflavones. It’s low in fat and contains no preservatives, artificial ingredients or hydrogenated oils. Best of all, it tastes great. Does all this make it a good choice? You bet! Mom was right! Mom always said that breakfast was the most important meal of the day. Little did we know how right she was! Studies have shown that people who start the day with a healthy breakfast lead healthier lives. With Barbara's Organic SoyEssence, it takes only minutes to ensure that your day starts out right. The complex carbohydrates and fiber from organic whole grains give you sustained energy for your busy morning. Even if the rest of the day sometimes gets away from you, Mom would be proud that you chose the good nutrition and added benefits of soy from Barbara's Organic SoyEssence to get your day off to an optimum start. Exchange: 1-1/2 carbohydrate. Product of Canada.