Apothic Red Red Wine Blend 750ml 750 ml
Indulge your senses with bold Apothic Red, the intriguing red wine blend that launched the Apothic legacy. Featuring a mix of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah and Zinfandel grapes, this red wine blend has notes of black cherry, vanilla and mocha. This smooth, medium-bodied red blend is best enjoyed with plenty of wine glasses, whether you're enjoying it on its own or in a wine cocktail. Pair Apothic Red with your favorite foods, like tomato-based pasta dishes or cheeses. Ideal for any occasion, Apothic Red is the perfect wine to accompany a night of endless possibilities. This red wine also makes a great wine gift for a birthday or anniversary. Discover flavor-forward, unforgettable wines with Apothic. In addition to Apothic Red, Apothic also offers Merlot, Apothic Crush and other varieties.