Stella Rosa Rosé Semi-Sweet Rosé Wine 750 ml
Stella Rosa Rosé Semi-Sweet Rosé Wine is a proprietary blend of several white grape varietals including Muscat and a touch of Brachetto for color. The grapes are harvested, pressed, centrifuged, and then held cold as juice at 28 degrees Fahrenheit. The juice is fermented at various intervals throughout the year allowing the wine to remain fresh and delicate. The Riboli family uses this technique to capture the natural flavors of an off-dry Rosé, bursting with berry flavors.
During fermentation process, the alcohol is created in tandem with the wine’s natural carbonation. Once the desired sweetness is achieved, the wine is centrifuged and bottled. Its natural acidity and low pH strike the perfect balance with the wine’s inherent sweetness. It is not cloying or heavy.
Serve chilled by-the-glass, pour over ice, or mix with your favorite spirit for an all natural, fruit-forward cocktail.