Baileys Deliciously Light 750 Ml
Indulge but keep it light with Baileys Deliciously Light. We've combined cream from Ireland and the rich cocoa and vanilla flavors of Baileys to create a sweet treat with 40% fewer calories and 40% fewer grams of sugar than Baileys Original Irish Cream.* Whether you are out at brunch or relaxing at home, the silky vanilla and rich chocolate flavors of Baileys Deliciously Light are ready to make everyday moments a treat. Enjoy over ice or in coffee for a delightful dessert. Includes one 32.2 proof 750 mL bottle of Baileys Deliciously Light.
*Per 2.5 fl oz - Average Analysis: Calories - 139; Carbohydrates - 9.3g; Fat - 3.7g. Please enjoy responsibly.