www.dragon-leaf.com. USDA organic. Green tea is not oxidized. The green appearance of the leaf is the result of this lack of oxidation. Organic tea leaves are plucked and laid out to let the majority of the water evaporate. The leaves are steamed or pan fired to neutralize their enzymes and prevent oxidation before being rolled into a variety of shapes. A final drying then takes place to prevent further oxidation. www.nationalimporters.com. Dragon-Leaf Organic teas grow at an altitude of 4,265 feet among rocks and on the hillsides of Tian Hu Shan. Tian Hu Shan has an average temperature of 59 degrees F and annual rainfall of 74.8 inches. Tian Hu Shan provides ideal growing conditions for a premium organic tea. Dragon-Leaf Organic Loose Whole Leaf tea is harvested from mid March to November. Certified organic by BCS Oeko-Garantie GmbH. Product of China.